Help In Determining If It’s Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is among a group of conditions known as autism spectrum disorders. While it’s still considered relatively rare, its effects can nevertheless be devastating to those afflicted and their families. If you suspect a loved one may suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome, one can go online and take an Aspergers Test to determine if medical intervention needs to be pursued.
A myriad of tests and quizzes are available online but generally they evaluate three areas or categories that Asperger’s impacts: 1) social symptoms 2) life skills and 3) physical or behavioral symptoms. Primary among the social symptoms is an inability to relate to others or relating to others inappropriately. Also, people with Asperger’s Syndrome struggle to master life skills that the rest of us take for granted such as dressing and personal hygiene. In addition, an obvious red flag may be physical behaviors exhibited such as repetitive or uncoordinated movements.
The good news is that much more is known about this disorder today than even a decade ago. It is important, however, that medical treatment be sought. It is possible now, more than ever, to lead a normal life with Asperger’s Syndrome.
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