All About Kalanchoe: How to Take Care of This Lovely Houseplant

Kalanchoe is a popular flowering houseplant that requires minimal maintenance. It is perfect for beginners who want to test their plant parenting skills. These plants are suitable for indoor or outdoor environments, and they come in a variety of colors, including pink, yellow, orange, and red.

To maintain your kalanchoe’s health, it needs a well-draining soil mix, as it is susceptible to root rot. It also prefers moderate sunlight, preferably near a window that gets partial light. Water it once a week or when the soil feels dry, but be careful not to overwater it.

If you want to encourage blooms, give it a dose of high-phosphorus fertilizer every two weeks. Deadhead the spent flowers to prolong blooming.

Kalanchoes can be propagated by stem or leaf cuttings in water or soil. The process is straightforward and not time-consuming. Move the baby plant to its new container once it has grown roots.

Watch out for common pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Check under the leaves and along the stem for any signs of infestation. Insecticidal soap or rubbing alcohol can be used to control the pests.

Kalanchoe care is not complicated, and it is a fantastic addition to your home and garden. Keep it in bright, indirect light, water it sparingly, and fertilize it regularly for the best results. Enjoy its vivid blooms as they brighten your day.

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